

“Dine for a Cause” – Benefit Dinners for the Camden Public Library

“Dine for a Cause” – Benefit Dinners for the Camden Public Library

Dine with us at the Hartstone Inn and 50% of the proceeds will benefit the Camden Public Library! Join is on Sunday, May 7th, Thursday, May 11 or Thursday, May 18th, 2017 to show your support for this worthy cause!

About the Camden Public Library:

“On March 23, 1896, the citizens of Camden voted to establish a free public library to be known as the Camden Public Library. The proud townspeople of Camden raised the money to build this library through various fundraising efforts. No assistance was provided by library philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. Mary Louise Curtis Bok donated the land for the library in 1916. Parker Morse Hooper and Boston architect Charles G. Loring offered building plans. The cornerstone was laid on August 17, 1927 and the Library opened its doors on June 11, 1928 with Miss   Katherine W. Harding serving as the first librarian.

In 1996 the library underwent a great expansion under the south lawn. The opening of this Centennial Wing allowed the library to accommodate larger collections and computer-based technology without compromising the scenic or historic value of the original building. Today the library is a true treasure of the coast of Maine and is a testament to the pride and determination of the residents of Camden.”

Mention this fundraiser by name when you place your reservation at 236-4259,   View our current dinner menu here.

Thank you in advance for supporting the Camden Public Library!