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Vietnam’s The Moving Wall at the Knox Museum

Event date/time: Thursday, May 26 – Monday, May 30, 2016wall

Knox Museum will host the Vietnam Combat Veterans’ The Moving Wall, a half-scale replica of Maya Lin’s original design located on the National Mall in Washington, DC,  May 26 – 30, 2016.

Visiting hours will be 24 hours per day, except during special ceremonies. Admission is free, and all are encouraged to attend.

13,000 people are expected to visit The Moving Wall over Memorial Day weekend.

The Moving Wall – the first of its kind in 1984 – has been touring the country for over 30 years, offering thousands who would never have the chance to get to Washington, DC, the opportunity to witness this important American monument.

This will be its first appearance in mid-coast Maine.

Location Address: Knox Museum, Thomaston, Maine 04861

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