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“Toboggan Building 101” Package

Try your hand at bending, sanding, finishing and fastening a 2-4 person toboggan. Suitable for both racing or casual recreation!  All tools and materials provided

Available: Saturday & Sundays, November 22 & 23, 2014 or December 20 & 21, 2014
Package details: Our two night getaway package includes a fun filled weekend of toboggan building (Saturday & Sunday),  just in time for a winter of sledding.  You’ll receive two days of instruction in basic techniques of building your very own toboggan.  Mark your calendar to bring your handcrafted toboggan back to the Inn in February for the U.S. National Toboggan Championships.  Who knows… you may become the champion!  Dinner for two is also included, featuring the Chef’s spectacular five-course tasting menu and of course, a sumptuous breakfast each morning. 

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Toboggan Building Package