Then and Now – Paris
Then and Now” is a series of photographs and stories we have created in our blog to allow guests to see the progress we have made here at the Inn since we took over in May of 1998.
Our first three installments in this series focused on the French Thyme Suite , the Dining Porch at the Hartstone Inn and the Garden Suite. This, our fourth entry in the series focuses on Paris, a room that has been transformed numerous times since 1998. When we purchased the Inn, Paris was known as “Room 3? which we promptly changed to
Magnolia (as we had just planted a magnolia tree in the front garden which the room overlooks). Last winter, the magnolia wallpaper came down and Mary Jo came up with a more modern “hip” design for the room with rich brown and gold tones that “evoke the classic style of Paris.” We couldn’t be more happy with the transformation. It was my first experience in painting stripes (no it’s not wallpaper) and the new green “Frog” tape works wonders. The picture to the right was taken in October of 1997, seven months before we bought the Inn.