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Side Pork Butchery Workshop

Side Pork Butchery Workshop

Saturday, February 17, 2018   11am-2pm
Hosted by Sowbelly Butchery at the United Farmers Marker of Maine in Belfast


Get intimate with heritage breed pork! A small group will learn some of the particulars of pasture raised livestock and get familiar with a side of pork. All of the meat butchered during the workshop will go home with participants! A workshop fee of $125 awards you the following immersive experience:

About Heritage Breed Hogs:
Participants will talk hogs with Kebly of Olde Haven Farm. Kelby will share about his family farm, his pastured pigs and about his breed lines. We’ll demonstrate the difference in Kelby’s pork and pork from away, showing how Maine’s array of elements add to the flavor of meat- the pork chops speak for themselves!

About Meat:
With Logan of Sowbelly Butchery, we’ll talk charcuterie, one of the oldest food preservation traditions. We’ll introduce the basics of the process and the ingredients to make it happen. We’ll share our recipe for the custom sausage to be made during class as practice.

About Butchery:
Then we’ll roll up our sleeves and get hands on with a half pig from Olde Haven Farm. The group will do an elemental review from primal break down to finished cuts covering knife technique and butchery styles as we proceed.

About Cooking:
There will be meat treats to share, cooked right up during class for inspirational purposes, of course. We’ll wrap and pack finished cuts to be brought home, complete with recipes and educational resources to review while you’re in your own kitchen.

Interested?  Send inquires to  Make it a getaway and spend the night with us!  Join us for dinner too and round out a fun filled weekend!