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Fabulous Foreign Automobile Festival

The Owls Head Transportation Museum is located 8 miles south of Camden in Owls Head. Visitors are delighted to find such a treasure trove of vehicles located “out in the middle of nowhere.” The vehicles are meticulously maintained by staff and a loyal and dedicated group of volunteers. The Museum is open year round and is finishing up its 2008 event schedule with this Sunday’s event. More than 150 antique automobiles from around the world will rally at the Owls Head Transportation Museum Sunday, October 12, for the Museum’s annual Foreign Auto Festival and Antique Aeroplane Show. In addition to owners of pre-1988 foreign automobiles, all Porsche owners—of any year—are invited to exhibit their vehicles free of charge.

This annual event attracts foreign car enthusiasts from all over the state—from luxury sedans to the high-performance sports cars. As part of the day’s activities the Museum will actively demonstrate a few of its turn-of-the-century automobiles as well as give free rides in Ford Model Ts. The antique aeroplane show will begin at 9:30 a.m., weather permitting. Rain or shine, visitors will have access to the Museum’s indoor collection of dozens of antique cars and pioneer aeroplanes. The Museum will showcase its current exhibition, “Tin Lizzie in Maine,” a 100th anniversary tribute to the automobile that revolutionized an industry; celebrating its versatility and impact on the Pine Tree State. Pets are not allowed in the Museum or outdoor exhibit area.