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Backyard Project

It may be chilly in Maine, but spring is very much on our mind.  So much so we thought it would be fun to “talk” gardens.  Have you decided what you are going to grow this season?  If you live in a cooler/harder climate like we do, March is the time to decide whether you want to start with seeds or seedlings. Most vegetables including tomatoes and eggplant, need a long, warm growing season to produce a harvest.  If starting with seeds, you should order those now and get them into indoor containers (most garden shops/supply companies sell trays or flats) as soon as possible. If reusing containers, always more eco-friendly than using new ones, scrub and soak for 30-40 minutes in a solution of one part household bleach to nine parts hot water to destroy any disease organisms.

A few seed companies to inspire you and get you started…BurpeeJohnny’s, and Seeds of Change.

Also, a link to a fun and informative blog post on Design Sponge about starting seeds indoors.

Image from Pinterest page How Does Your Garden Grow.