

A Trip to Italy

A Trip to Italy

Michael and I have created a foodie adventure… we’ll be exploring the scenic Farms & Villages of Southern Tuscany this fall. If you have the desire to learn something new, would like to explore several beautiful villages in Tuscany and like to cook – or just eat, then this may be the adventure you’ve been looking for. We planned a single trip for this fall and it filled up in three days…so we added a second week and it filled in two more days. We are very excited by our guests interest in the trip. If this sounds like fun to you, we are planning to add two weeks to the same region in Italy in the spring of 2011. Once we have the dates for the spring trips established, we will include the information in our next newsletter. Please sign up for our newsletter at the top of our home page where it says email signup, and click on the Foodie Adventures and Travel checkbox. Arrivederchi.