

Lobstah Winner

We are so proud to announce that our long time guest Suzie Jobes (previously featured on our blog) was just named the winner of the Maine Lobster Festival Cooking Contest with her dish “Lobstah Puff.” Suzie (pictured at the far left) and her husband Bob visit us at the Inn several times a year. They are both avid “foodies” and are always experimenting with new recipes, expanding their repertoire. I often receive emails from them with pictures and descriptions of their latest ventures.

Suzie entered the contest after talking to one of our cooking class participants during my “Dim Sum” cooking class this spring and created this recipe especially for the Lobster Festival competition. The day it was announced that she was one of the five finalists she called us at the Inn and was so ecstatic. When Suzie arrived in Camden last week she revealed that she had not slept much in the past few weeks, attributing it to anxiety over the contest. Well, now that it is over and she won, we hope that Suzie has settled back into her regular sleep pattern. Before her return to Florida I asked her if she planned to enter the competition next year and she smiled, nodded and whispered to me her ideas. Congratulations Suzie, my lips are sealed!